Psychology & Well-being/Psychology & Well-being

Putting your emotional and psychological well-being before treatment or surgery

Our team of very special experts at The London Scar Clinic would like to extend you a very warm welcome. As you look around the Psychology & Well-being section of our website, please feel free to contact our resident counsellor with any questions you might have about your feelings and your own skin healing. We are looking forward to helping you with the emotional and psychological aspects of your treatment as you begin your skin healing journey with us.

Here at The London Scar Clinic we are proud of our Multi-Disciplinary Team of experts who work collaboratively with you to coordinate your entire skin-healing journey, from the physical element, to the emotional and psychological aspects.

Respecting and valuing you for who you are

From the very first moment you contact us, you will be met with understanding, respect, non-judgement and a deep level of care as we formulate your individual treatment plan to give you the right level of treatment at the right time for you in your life.

We understand that your skin-healing journey is unique and that your experiences, feelings and emotions associated with your skin and scars are also unique to you. We would like to reassure you that we are committed to caring about the whole of you. At The London Scar Clinic we see you and value you as a whole person, far beyond the treatment you are planning to have with us.

Giving you a safe and confidential space to talk about your feelings

We understand that many of our patients have complex feelings related to their skin-healing journey and we know how important it is to give you a safe and confidential space to talk about your emotional and psychological healing along with your physical healing.

We know that your emotional and psychological health can be inextricably linked to your skin, scars and physical appearance. We understand that the timing of your treatment is also very important, so that you are prepared for what is involved and for any uncomfortable feelings which might come up at any stage of your skin healing journey.

It is also important that you have a good understanding of your recovery after treatment and can commit to what is required of you in your aftercare plan so that you can benefit as much as possible from your treatment. Having dedicated emotional support in place during your recovery can be an important part of your treatment plan.

Booking an initial chat with our resident counsellor to discuss any feelings or history which are affecting your mental health and well-being

We are proud to have on our multi-disciplinary team of expert consultants, including a resident counsellor, who is here to help you with your feelings and emotions related to every stage of your skin healing journey with us – from your initial enquiry, through to your treatment and aftercare.

We understand that it can be hard for some patients to get in touch and start the process of healing. You might be anxious about what to expect, unsure of how much to share, or worried about what questions you might be asked and that you might be judged.

We would like to reassure you that we encourage mutual open and honest dialogue and offer you a confidential and safe environment to discuss your feelings. There is nothing that you cannot share with us if you want to.

Our resident counsellor is experienced in providing psychological support to patients who are undergoing treatment for their skin or scars. You are welcome to book an appointment to talk to her about any psychological aspect of your treatment or any uncomfortable feelings or concerns you might have at the enquiry stage and beyond.

A scar creates not only physical marks, but psychological and emotional marks too

Your overall well-being matters to us so please do not feel worried if at any point in your journey with us your consultant takes the time and care to check in with you about your emotional and psychological well-being. There might be moments where we discuss with you the benefit of seeking additional support to help you manage or process any feelings and emotions that are related to your body image, skin or scars and which might affect you during your treatment.

Getting the right treatment at the right time

Having the opportunity to access the right level of psychological support as you embark on your treatment journey means you can be sure that you are taking steps to ensure your emotional safety and your wider happiness, beyond the physical manifestation of your scar.

We understand that scars can cause a sense of permanent identity change within you and that you might need help to adjust to your new outward and inner self-image.

You might already have had the opportunity to process your emotions around your very personal experience and your scars and feel ready for treatment.

Or it might be the case that having the opportunity for some form of counselling or psychological support will help you get the maximum benefits from your treatment by supporting you and promoting inner healing too.

There are times where this means delaying treatment of your physical issue whilst you focus on your psychological health. Or you might be ready for treatment and want to look into putting in place the appropriate form of mental health support alongside your treatment.

Our team is dedicated to working alongside you to prioritise your overall well-being in parallel with your physical treatment. It is an approach we believe is so valuable that we offer the same level of care to all of our patients clinic-wide, regardless of the treatment they are having. We hope that other clinics will take on a similar approach too, as research clearly show us the link between scars and psychological pain.

Each scar has its own story and leaves a unique imprint

At The London Scar Clinic our consultants and resident counsellor understand that each patient’s scar tells its own unique story and has left its unique imprint. We help patients everyday who come to us looking for treatment for scars with a wide range of causes, including but not limited to, accidents, burns, self-injury, acne, and congenital disfigurement.

Scarring may be skin deep but the psychological impact often run much deeper

You might find it reassuring to hear that our patients tell us they feel they are in the best possible hands knowing that we have relationships with counsellors, therapists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, CBT, psycho-sexual therapists and nutritionists. This means that we can seamlessly link you to the right expert care for your individual needs and treatment plan, and continue to support you throughout your scar journey with us.

If you are experience any of these feelings, emotions or behaviours it is likely that you could benefit from some psychological support:

  • Negative feelings about your appearance, identity or body image
  • Painful or itchy scars which can cause physical impairment and psychological stress
  • Feeling stigmatised and ashamed
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Socially withdrawing and avoiding certain situations
  • Feeling different, which can be isolating and intimidating
  • Noticing a reduction in your self-confidence and social activities due to low self-esteem
  • Emotional numbing
  • Self-injury, either currently or in the past, or a desire to injure yourself in some way as a release
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or psychological trauma linked to your skin or scar(s), which can be a painful reminder and can trigger negative emotions within you
  • Difficulties accepting your scar(s) as part of yourself
  • Your feelings about your skin or scar(s) are making intimacy difficult and affecting your relationships
  • If you are feeling a mis-match between your physical appearance and your identity
  • Anger, mood swings
  • A desire to hurt yourself or somebody else
  • If you are wishing you could end your life or are making plans to do so

One of our specialist team members will be in touch to guide you through your individual treatment plan and to discuss all of your options, such as having an initial consultation with our resident counsellor, booking a consultation with one of our consultants, or accessing counselling and mental health support.

The London Scar Clinic team are committed to looking after the whole of you. We pledge to put your entire well-being at the centre of everything we do to keep you safe physically, emotionally and mentally because we value you as a whole person and because we understand how your emotional and psychological health can be interwoven with your scars.

With this in mind, the timing of your treatment is key. Making sure you have the right type of emotional and psychological support available to you at every stage of your journey with us is essential as having treatment can potentially re-activate painful memories, feelings and associations which could leave you vulnerable.

We take a collaborative approach with you to make sure you have treatment at the right time in your life and with the right level of emotional and psychological support in place. This holistic approach is what sets us apart from other clinics and how we look after you best.

This is why we have a highly skilled and very special multi-disciplinary team of consultants, including our resident counsellor who is on hand to help you every step of the way with any questions or difficulties of an emotional nature which are related directly and indirectly to your very personal history and your skin healing journey.

Nothing makes us happier than hearing that many of our patients are already looking after their whole well-being in this way, particularly as having treatment for skin and scars can potentially reactivate painful feelings, memories and associations.

There are times when your consultant will welcome communication with your mental health expert to ensure collaboratively between you that you are having treatment at the right time in your life and that the right level of support is there for you.

It is our experience that this caring approach will help you get the very best results from your treatment.

The London Scar Clinic will welcome you with warmth and respect from the first moment that you get in touch, and we will value the uniqueness of your history, experiences and life situation.

For your treatment to enhance your life as much as possible, we encourage as much openness and transparency as you are comfortable with and at every step of the way we offer you a friendly, safe and confidential space free from judgement, where your total well-being is a priority. There is nothing that you cannot share with us if you want to.

Our enquiry form asks for information about the nature and history of your scar so that we can book your consultation with the best consultant for your needs. We encourage and welcome you to share with us any other information which you feel is relevant to your enquiry.

The London Scar Clinic welcomes and help many patients who self-injure (or who have self-injured in the past) to get the right treatment at the right time.

We want to reassure you that our approachable and welcoming team will not judge you and will work with you and any mental health practitioner you might already have, or help you access the emotional or psychological support which is right for you.

Our resident counsellor is here to discuss the best options for you every step of the way, which might be treatment, psychological support, or a combination of both to make sure that when the time is right for treatment, you are ready and supported.

Keeping yourself safe in an emergency or crisis:

Please note that The London Scar Clinic is not a crisis or urgent service. If you are considering treatment with us and find yourself in a mental health crisis you should attend your local A&E, calls NHS direct on 111, or call the Samaritans (24 hrs) on 116123. If you find that reading about how psychology and scars are connected has made you feel that psychological help may be your priority at this time, we encourage you to make an appointment with your GP, your usual mental health practitioner, or you may wish to get in touch with Eden Wellness Therapies or check the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists who have a directory of therapists you can get in touch with directly.

To start you scar or skin journey with us, please click here

"I hadn’t considered counselling before as I didn’t really see how it was relevant. My consultant felt it was important for me to have the space to look at certain areas of my life and behaviour in more detail and Amber got in touch. She was approachable, friendly and open and I did not feel like she was judging me in any way. I was made to feel like I mattered and the last few months of counselling are showing me how important it is to make time for my mental wellbeing as well as my physical appearance and worries. A great service. Thank you for being there."

"It took me years to work up the courage to make an appointment to discuss my scars. I felt ashamed of how I got them and dreaded being asked about them. I just wanted to have treatment with no questions asked. It took me a long time to understand that I had healing to do on the inside, which was just as important as the scars which showed on the outside. I started counselling and after a while could open up and start to process what had happened to me and more importantly, all the reasons that led me to self-harm in the first place. I also learnt a lot about potential triggers, and how to find healthier releases without harming myself. I have begun healing on the inside as well the outside. Thank you for the kindness and support you showed me in putting me in contact directly with a professional who could help me start that process. It’s shown me there is hope for me."

"I’ve been in touch with a few clinics already and was so impressed by the level of genuine care I felt here. Your counsellor called me to check in on me when I submitted my enquiry. I had already been seeing a specialist mental health practitioner, and the clinic took the time to check with her that I was in a safe place to have my treatment. This made me think I was with the right clinic. It's been a really positive experience."
