
Trying to figure out the healing process after a surgical procedure can be daunting, with many of us wondering about the best approach to minimise scarring and enhance the long-term results.  

Here at The London Scar Clinic we understand the complexities of skin healing, and the profound impact that timely and effective scar treatment can have on both the physical appearance and emotional well-being.  

As such, this blog post is designed to provide you with a key exploration of scar management and guide you through the essential knowledge of when to start scar treatment after surgery.  

Whether you are dealing with the outcome of a surgical procedure or looking for ways to manage existing scars, understanding the optimal timing for scar treatment is crucial. We aim to provide you with a comprehensive insight into the importance of managing your scar, linking to specific skin conditions and treatment options that have proven effective.  

This discussion will equip you with the understanding needed to make informed decisions about your scar treatment journey, ensuring the best possible outcomes for the overall health and appearance of your skin. 

Join us as we get into the intricacies of scar treatment timing, ensuring you are well-informed and prepared to take the following steps in your healing process.    

Understanding the healing process 

To fully grasp the right timing for starting scar treatment after surgery, it is essential to understand the stages of wound healing and the natural progression of skin repair. This knowledge informs our approach to managing and minimising scars effectively.  

Let’s explore the essential phases of wound healing as our foundation for scar management. 

Overview of the stages of wound healing 

There are essentially three phases to the complex and coordinated process of wound healing: 

  1. Inflammatory Phase: This initial stage begins immediately following an injury and is characterised by swelling, redness, and, in some cases, discomfort or warmth at the wound site. The body’s natural response is to remove damaged cells, bacteria, and any potential infection. This phase lays the groundwork for the healing process, typically lasting up to a few days.  
  2. Proliferative Phase: During this phase the body shifts its focus to repairing the damage. During this stage, new tissue and blood vessels start forming, filling the wound with a new layer of skin (granulation tissue) and contracting its edges to reduce its size. Depending on the wound extent and complexity, this phase can last from several days to a few months.  
  3. Remodelling Phase: The final stage of healing involves strengthening the new tissue, with collagen remodelling and the wound maturing into a fully healed scar. This phase can take several months to years, during which the scar may become less noticeable and more closely resemble the surrounding skin. 

Factors Influencing the rate of wound healing

Understanding that the wound healing process can vary significantly among individuals is vital. Several factors can influence the rate of wound healing, including:

  • Age: Generally, younger individuals tend to heal more quickly than older adults, which is attributed to the natural decrease in skin elasticity and regeneration capacity with age.
  • Overall health: A person’s health and underlying conditions, such as diabetes or immune system disorders, can significantly impact healing times.
  • Type and location of surgery: The nature of the surgery and area of the body affected play pivotal roles in the healing process. Wounds in areas with more blood flow often heal faster, while those in regions subjected to movement or tension may take longer. For example, healed burn scars may differ to surgery scars.

Understanding these stages and factors will help those undergoing surgery or those with recent wounds to anticipate the healing journey better. This knowledge is a foundation for making informed decisions about when to initiate scar treatment, ensuring the most effective and timely intervention for optimal scar management and healing outcomes.

Types of scars 

Scars are a natural part of the healing process, serving as a testament to the body’s ability to recover from injury and surgery. However, not all scars are the same, and understanding the different types can significantly influence the approach to treatment and management. 

  • Keloid scars: These are thick, puckered, itchy clusters of scar tissue that grow beyond the edges of the wound or incision. Keloid scars are more common in people with darker skin and can be caused by surgery, injury, or even minor abrasions. They may not develop until weeks or months after the wound has healed and can be larger than the original injury.  
  • Hypertrophic scars: Similar to keloid scars but not as severe, hypertrophic scars are raised and red, staying within the boundary of the original injury. They may also diminish in size and colour over time, with or without treatment.  
  • Atrophic scars: These scars create a sunken or pitted appearance on the skin, typically resulting from acne or diseases such as chickenpox. Atrophic scars occur when the skin cannot regenerate tissue, leading to a depression in the skin.  
  • Contracted scars: Occurring after the skin has been burned, contracture scars tighten the skin, impairing your ability to move. These scars may also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves.  
  • Stretch marks: Technically a form of scarring, stretch marks are caused when the skin is stretched rapidly (for example, during pregnancy, rapid weight gain, or growth spurts) and may diminish over time but not disappear completely.  

Understanding your scar type is crucial in determining the most effective treatment plan. Each scar type responds differently to treatments, such as Laser treatments, Subcision, Silicone Products for Scars, Scar Massage Hydration, Scar Management Physiotherapy, and Injectables. Each of these treatments can be tailored to suit the specific characteristics and challenges of the scar, ensuring the best possible outcome for scar reduction and skin health. 

Timing is key: When to start scar treatment

The healing journey post-surgery or injury involves several stages. Knowing when to start can significantly influence the effectiveness of scar treatments.  

Immediate post-surgery care  

The immediate period following surgery is critical for setting the foundation for successful healing and minimal scarring. Here are vital steps to follow…   

It is critical to adhere strictly to the wound care guidelines. This often includes keeping the wound clean, applying prescribed ointments, and changing dressings as instructed to prevent infection and promote healing. 

Protecting the wound from external irritants and contamination is essential. Covering the wound with a sterile dressing or bandage helps safeguard the healing area, reducing the risk of infection and complications that could exacerbate scarring. 

Waiting for wound closure  

The wound must be fully healed before transitioning to targeted scar treatment interventions. This section focuses on the criticality of ensuring wound closure and recognising when it is appropriate to commence scar treatment. 

Allowing the body sufficient time to complete the initial healing phase, where the skin regenerates and closes over the wound site, is necessary.  

Signs that a wound is ready for scar treatment include:  

  • The absence of scabbing  
  • No oozing or bleeding  
  • The skin appears sealed and smooth, albeit with a new scar forming 

Types of scar treatments 

Effective scar management is essential for optimal healing and aesthetic outcomes after surgery or injury.  

At The London Scar Clinic, we offer a comprehensive array of scar treatments tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients. We highlight the principal treatment modalities available based on expert sources and the latest advancements in dermatological care. 

Topical treatments 

Topical creams are often the first line of defence in managing scars, suitable for various scar types. These include: 

  • Silicone-based products: Our Silicone Products for Scars provide a non-invasive solution to improve the appearance of scars. Silicone sheets and gels help hydrate the scar area, reducing the scar’s height making it less noticeable.  
  • Scar gels and ointments: Including a variety of formulations that target different aspects of the scar healing process. These products, such as topical scar creams, can help soften, flatten, and reduce the redness of scars. 

Massage and physical therapy 

Scar massage and physical therapy represent key components in the comprehensive approach to scar treatment, especially for scars that might restrict movement or cause discomfort. 

  • Benefits of massaging the scar tissue: Massaging the scar can help break down the scar tissue, increase circulation, and encourage elasticity, making the scar less tight and more flexible. Our Scar Massage Hydration technique combines massage with hydration to optimise healing.  
  • Professional therapeutic interventions: For individuals with extensive or particularly challenging scars, our Scar Management Physiotherapy program offers targeted interventions. These can include specialised massage, tailored exercises, and other treatments designed to improve function and appearance. 


Laser therapy 

Laser therapy stands out as a highly effective modality for reducing the appearance of scars, leveraging advanced technology to target scar tissue directly. This treatment uses focused light to penetrate the skin, stimulating the production of new, healthy tissue to replace scar tissue. 

  • Can significantly improve the skin: the texture, colour, and overall appearance of scars, making them less noticeable. Laser therapy is particularly effective for certain types of scars, including surgical scars, acne scars, and post-injury scars.  

At The London Scar Clinic, we’re dedicated to providing the highest standard of care in scar treatment, employing a range of techniques from Topical Treatments and Massage and Physical Therapy to cutting-edge Laser Therapy. Each patient receives a personalised treatment plan designed to meet their unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes for scar reduction and skin health. 

Individualised approach to scar treatment

At The London Scar Clinic, we believe in a tailored approach to scar management, recognising that each patient’s skin and scar healing journey is unique. This personalised strategy ensures that every individual receives the most effective treatment plan designed to meet their specific needs and achieve the best possible outcomes.


The first step in our individualised approach involves a detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. During this initial assessment, we take the time to understand your medical history, the nature of your scar(s), and any previous treatments you may have undergone. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to identify your case’s most suitable treatment options.

Our specialists provide expert care and advice, ensuring you are fully informed about the various treatment modalities available and what you can expect from the healing process. An informed patient is an empowered patient, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

Plan based on individual factors

Recognising that scar treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution, we customise each treatment plan based on several individual factors, including:

  • Type of scar: Whether you have keloid, hypertrophic, atrophic, or contracted scars, each type requires a different approach. Our treatments are tailored to address your scar’s specific characteristics and challenges.
  • Location and size of the scar: Scars in different areas of the body may respond differently to treatments, and the scar size can also influence the choice of treatment modalities.
  • Patient’s skin type and overall health: Individual differences in skin type and health status can affect the healing process and responsiveness to scar treatments. We consider these factors when designing your treatment plan.
  • Patient’s treatment preferences and lifestyle: We also consider your preferences, lifestyle, and any concerns you may have about the treatment process. Whether you are looking for minimally invasive options or are open to more intensive treatments, we aim to align our recommendations with your needs and goals.

By leveraging the latest in scar treatment technologies and techniques, from Silicone Products for Scars to advanced Laser Therapy, at The London Scar Clinic we are dedicated to achieving the best outcomes, enhancing both the appearance of scars and the confidence of our patients.

Wrap up  

Undoubtedly, understanding the stages of wound healing is crucial for the timely initiation of scar treatment.  

The diversity of available treatments underlines the need for a personalised approach, stressing the importance of starting treatment right after wound closure. We emphasise individualised care and recognise that each person’s journey to scar management is unique, shaped by their specific needs and circumstances. 

We encourage you to take an active role in your scar treatment journey, armed with patience and consistency, as these virtues are key to achieving the best outcomes.  

Ready to take the next step? Visit and Contact Us for more information or to schedule a consultation. 

Together, we can work towards achieving your skin health goals with confidence. 
